What Is the Most Powerful Rust Preventative Paint?

Published : 04/04/2022 13:28:13
Categories : The Master Series Coating Line Blog

As far as rust preventative paints go, any paint can be considered a rush preventive paint. With this question in mind 30 years ago, I decided to investigate and see what was the most powerful rust preventive system there was. There's nothing more heartbreaking than putting 14 coats  of paint on an old car, sanding the entire car--every coat--and having a rust blister show up a year or two later. I asked myself, "What is the most powerful rust preventive paint there is?" I called several industrial paint companies and a raw material supplier, and was getting basically the same answer: that Mobay Chemical had developed a bridge primer that would cut off both the moisture and oxygen to the steel so it could not rust. It was only available in a silver color because the aluminum flake is what cut off oxygen. The resin-base  is a full moisture cured urethane that was completely waterproof. This primer requires two coats in order to cut off the oxygen.

Mastercoat has been selling this permanent rust sealer for over 30 years now. We offer three different viscosities for different restoration applications. We will discuss this in a future blog. Best of luck with your projects stay safe. 

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